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Add Off-Days to Semester

Off-Days block out a day in your planner so you can't create lessons that day. They can be used for holidays, PD days, personal days, or days where there might be a special event.

Add Off-Days

  1. Open the Lessons menu, then click Semesters.
  2. Hover over the semester where you want to add off-days and click the calendar icon.
  3. Add off-days using the two options + Holidays and + Off-Day.
    • + Holidays: Access holidays from various countries. When you add these, it will add everything that falls between the start and end date of the semester you're in. 
    • + Off-Day: Allows you to create a custom off-day while you provide the cause, title, and date.
  4. Click Save.

Edit Off-Days

Once an off-day has been added using either method you can always edit it by clicking on the title in the list. You can then change the reason or the start and end dates of the off-day.

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