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Create Course Overview

This is part of our Curriculum Solution. You will not have this option if you are a free user.

A course overview in Curriculum allows you to add additional context to a curriculum map. This can include standards and resources that are relevant to the whole course, not just one unit.

A course overview acts similarly to a unit as it can have its own template, complete with all the flexibility of a unit template. In fact, if you’re using a curriculum map with a Course Overview in the lesson planner, you can access this content from any lesson as soon as you associate that lesson with a unit. 

Add a Course Overview to a Template

  1. If the Curriculum Map Template is published, click the Create Draft button on the template.
  2. Click the Back button on the left sidebar.
  3. Select the Course Overview Outline option.
  4. Click + Field to get started.
  5. Click the down arrow to add a Standards field to the Course Overview.

Edit Standards on a Course Overview

Assigning standards to your course overview will allow you to create a shortlist of targeted standards for the course that you can use when assigning standards to your units.

  1. Select the Course Overview within your curriculum map, then click on the +Standards button in the Standards field box.
    You will see the curriculum standards that you have assigned to this map
  2. On the Add Standards dialog, click on a standard set and click the Add button to assign any standards you would like to this map.
    You can also use the search feature to search for any keywords associated with the standards you are looking for.
    All the selected standards are listed, and you can click on the X to remove any standards you want to remove from the unit.
  3. Once you are done, click Save.

When adding standards to your units, you will have the option to choose from the shortlist of standards you added to your course overview.

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